Hi! I’m Meredith.

It is a joy to be known as Bird Nerd and Missus Blunt.

I’m a Canadian artist, I love working in ink and watercolor. I hope to draw you in with delicate but energetic detail and the big personalities of my inspirations.

“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” â€”A.A. Milne

A little update: Your patience is so appreciated! My site isn’t abandoned I promise. I’ve been working and learning. It’s been a time of it lately but a few delightful birds have come to life on my desk. With the bright changes of Spring I am hopeful to wrap myself around getting this virtual home of mine to take flight. - M

Bird nerd in the news!

CBC wrote about my project with care and local enthusiasm in May 2023. It was so fun to be on the radio to speak about my birds on the Morning Edition. You can listen to that interview here!

I was invited to speak to CBC again this time on Metro Morning’s special August 7th long weekend broadcast.

I spent a lovely autumn morning on the Nith in Ayr, speaking to the Kitchener Citizen about birds, art and our region.